Antarktikos is a printed magazine, published once a year and it is looking for contributions. This annual journal combines artistic and scientific exploration within the inspiring and thought-provoking context of Antarctica.
On December 1, Antarctica Day, a new initiative was launched by artist Esther Kokmeijer. Antarktikos, a magazine about Antarctica, which will be published once a year. Scientists and artists are asked to contribute and the hope is it that this ‘mutual reinforcement of art and science can help in the search for ‘relevant’ questions and answers to contemporary environmental and political issues.’
All disciplines of art are welcomed: visual arts, performing arts and applied arts (photography, painting, sculpture, music, literature, design, film, and architecture). As well as all fields of scientific research: natural sciences, social sciences, formal sciences and applied sciences. The magazine will be a rich source of information, for those who are able to visit Antarctica but also for those who stay home.
The deadline for submissions is June 21, 2021 and the first issue is expected in October, 2021. Submissions can be contributed via their website. You can support the initiative via kickstarter.
Esther Kokmeijer is a Dutch artist who has been exploring the territory of Antarctica through different media, by collecting current and historical maps, by video installations and now with this current project. In her work she is ‘questioning the origins of nature through mapping the intersections between man-made and ‘natural’ forms of reality.’