- Micronations
- Founded 22 July 2017
- Population 100
- Money the Hakkelaar
- Founder Cees van Apeldoorn
Hakkelaarsbrug is a hamlet in the Netherlands, part of the municipality of Gooise Meren. It has approximately 100 inhabitants and consists of two streets, the Googweg and Naarderstraatweg, and a drawbridge. When complaints to the local government about never-ending construction works fell on deaf ears, one of the inhabitants decided to take action: on 22 July 2017, Cees van Apeldoorn declared the independence of the Free Republic of Hakkelaarsbrug. The micronation has a passport, banknotes, postage stamps, its own flag and a national anthem. It also has its own White House where meetings are held. However, there are no political parties—in fact, politics are banned completely.